Distance Learning & Reopening
Distance Learning & Reopening
As we return to campus, it is important to be aware of our COVIID-19 health and safety procedures.
Current Status
TCGDC is currently providing distance learning with some students receiving support and services on campus. All students and staff are fully virtual on Wednesdays.
August 2020 Letter
Dear TCGDC Families,
Based upon recommendations from DC Health, to ensure the health and safety of our students, staff, and families, The Children’s’ Guild DC Public Charter School (TCGDC) will begin the 2020-2021 school year on Monday, August 24, 2020 with distance learning and continue for the first and second quarter through Friday, January 22, 2021.
Distance learning will include instruction five days a week with more live teacher-directed lessons, supplemented by recorded lessons. Small group and individual breakout sessions, delivered by instructional, behavioral, and social-emotional support staff will ensure student growth both academically and behaviorally. We will also be incorporating social-emotional learning strategies in the classroom environment to support students during distance learning. Related services will continue to be delivered through teletherapy. Students with disabilities will receive all special education services agreed upon in their Continuity of Learning Plans.
Depending on health conditions and guidance from DC Health, TCGDC will offer families the option to remain with full-time distance learning or begin delivering hybrid instruction with two days of in-person learning and three days of distance learning as soon as the DC Health advises that is safe to do so. If you would prefer this option, when it becomes available, please notify Mrs. Carter at carterf@childrensguild.org.
Technology Access
We want to ensure all students have the necessary technology devices to access the instructional program and the Internet capacity needed during distance learning. We will be distributing Chromebooks, internet hotspots, and/or headphones for our students who need them prior to the start of the school year. More information on distribution will be sent out in future communications.
Meal Access
If you are having difficulty accessing meals for your children, please email, meals@childrensguild.org. Information on meals for the upcoming school year will be announced soon.
This summer, children’s meals are available at locations throughout the city. There is also grocery distribution for all families at select locations. View the list of locations and service times at: coronavirus.dc.gov/food
In the coming weeks, we will be sharing a comprehensive video with our families to prepare for the start of the school year and hosting a virtual town hall on Thursday, August 6, 2020. Information will be emailed to families with the time and the link.
Thank you for your vigilance, understanding, and patience while we continue to navigate these difficult times. We will provide regular updates as more information is made available about our 2020-2021 school year plans. We appreciate your feedback, guidance, and support during this time. As we continue to provide our students with the safest platform for instruction and grow our platform for family support, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at bdaniels@childrensguild.org or Dr. Jackson at jacksonta@childrensguild.org.
Bryan Daniels, Principal
202.774.5442 x 3288